Recreating the Country
be Challenged
Design to restore lost biodiversity
Making a list of plants for revegetation
Ecology Snapshot - wildlife and their habitat
Species survival
Location - connections
Blueprint for Recreating the Counrty
Biodiversity and profit
Designing for profit
Managing sustainable biorich landscapes
be Informed
Indigenous flora of the Geelong district
Indigenous plants - what & why
Acacias, wattles of the Geelong Region
Acacias - the cafes of the bush
Allocasuarinas/drooping sheoaks, Black Sheoak & Callitris glaucophylla/cypress-pine
Bursaria spinosa, Sweet Bursaria
Eucalypts, The Sentinals
Exocarpos cupressiformis, Cherry Ballart
Moonah, Melaleuca lanceolata
Small riparian myrtles
Wedge-leaf/Giant Hop-bush, Dodonaea viscosa
Wild Plants of Inverleigh
Tree Violet - as tenacious as a terrier
Nurseryman's diary
Regent Honeyeater - a good news story
Give me a home among the gum trees
Symbiotic fungi
The joys of seed collecting
Landcare, who cares?
The last Silver Banksia
Neds Corner
River Red Gums and the Tuscan monks
be Entertained
Stories for children
Amie and the intoxicated kangaroos
The Little Green Caterpillar
B'emus'ed - a Christmas tale of bursairas and emus
Stories about the natural world
Eastern Bettongs. 'Truffle junkies' or 'ecosystem engineers'
Richards Sweet Rewards
Coxy's Curse
How the River Red Gum came to be - A dreamtime story
RtC bookshop
Easy blog finder
Recreating the Country - a blueprint for the design of sustainable landscapes
Recreating the Country - Ten key principles for designing sustainable landscapes. Second edition.
be Challenged
Design to restore lost biodiversity
Making a list of plants for revegetation
Ecology Snapshot - wildlife and their habitat
Species survival
Location - connections
Blueprint for Recreating the Counrty
Biodiversity and profit
Designing for profit
Managing sustainable biorich landscapes
be Informed
Indigenous flora of the Geelong district
Indigenous plants - what & why
Acacias, wattles of the Geelong Region
Acacias - the cafes of the bush
Allocasuarinas/drooping sheoaks, Black Sheoak & Callitris glaucophylla/cypress-pine
Bursaria spinosa, Sweet Bursaria
Eucalypts, The Sentinals
Exocarpos cupressiformis, Cherry Ballart
Moonah, Melaleuca lanceolata
Small riparian myrtles
Wedge-leaf/Giant Hop-bush, Dodonaea viscosa
Wild Plants of Inverleigh
Tree Violet - as tenacious as a terrier
Nurseryman's diary
Regent Honeyeater - a good news story
Give me a home among the gum trees
Symbiotic fungi
The joys of seed collecting
Landcare, who cares?
The last Silver Banksia
Neds Corner
River Red Gums and the Tuscan monks
be Entertained
Stories for children
Amie and the intoxicated kangaroos
The Little Green Caterpillar
B'emus'ed - a Christmas tale of bursairas and emus
Stories about the natural world
Eastern Bettongs. 'Truffle junkies' or 'ecosystem engineers'
Richards Sweet Rewards
Coxy's Curse
How the River Red Gum came to be - A dreamtime story
RtC bookshop
Easy blog finder